Monday, September 30, 2019

Whistling Vivaldi

The book gets its title from a story a black New York Times writer, Brent Staples, told Steele about how he ad to whistle Vivaldi anytime he walked on the streets of Hyde Park a suburb of Chicago so he wouldn't look violent to the dominantly white people who lived on that part. Staples who knew he had a social identity because he was black used the whistling to steer through that part of his daily life.Identity contingencies are the things you have to deal with in a situation because you have a given social identity. Stereotype threat in the book, from my understanding can thus be defined as when a person finds himself/herself in situation or circumstance where his or her performance/behavior consciously or unconsciously is affected usually by negative stereotypes.A typical example was the Golf experiment in the book where Jeff stone and his team using typical stereotypes about whites been less naturally athletic than blacks and blacks been less intelligent than whites as the experim ental variables was able to prove how the performance of the white students at Princeton University was reduced when they were told they were been tested or their natural athletic ability and how the same thing happened to the black students when they were told they were been tested for their sports strategic intelligence.The 2nd experiment Steele describes was the experiment in which a third grade teacher Jane Elliot trying to teach her students the importance of the life and works of Dry Martin Luther King identified eye color as the basis Of been smarter, cleaner and been well behaved. This experiment exemplified how an identity and stereotype affects a person's way of thinking and ability.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Response to Decolonizing the Mind

In â€Å"Decolonising the Mind† Ngugi Wa Thiong’o makes the call to African writers to begin writing literature in their own languages, and to make sure that literature is connected to their people’s revolutionary struggles for independence from their colonial regimes. He begins with the historical meeting he was invited to with his fellow African writers in Kampala, Uganda. In this conference, writers who wrote their stories in African languages were automatically neglected.He also continues to point out about how English and other European languages are assumed, until today, to be the natural languages and unifying forces in both literature and political views among African people. For instance, to explain his point, Ngugi uses Chinua Achebe, one of the major African writers, who embraces the use of an English Language in his works. Ngugi quotes â€Å"For me (Achebe) there is no other choice, I have been given the language and I intend to use it† (Achebe , 62).Finally, Ngugi concludes that writing in African languages is a necessary step toward cultural identity and liberation from centuries of European exploitation. Firstly, I support Ngungi’s claim that an educational system that focuses and embraces only foreign works, such as language and culture is destructive: â€Å"Thus language and literature were taking us further and further from ourselves to other selves, from our world to other worlds†(266). Obviously, there is a need to create a literature that embraces the real African experience starting from the perspective of the locals, not the intruders.The local language is an integral part of conveying that experience, this is simply because much of the local tradition is preserved in that language. For example, Ngugi insists that stories and songs are effectively passed down from one generation to the next through oral (story-telling), and the fact that both the story teller and the listener are interested and inv olved in the conversation. Therefore, the benefits of embracing and working in the local language and within the local traditions bring the entire community together.Secondly, I support Ngugi’s view that colonialism has deemed African languages unworthy of use – both by the colonizers and the colonized. He explains how a â€Å"cultural bomb† was dropped on Africa so the minds and consequently the resources of Africans were controlled. In my view, not only colonizers understand that it is not enough to take over Africa with guns alone, but they also need to take over the mind of its people through language and the fine education they offer through that language.This is seen in the schools where European languages are idolized, in the streets where African languages become synonymous with the language of the peasantry, and at the prison cells were those African writers who choose to stay true to their mother tongue are held. I strongly agree about Ngugi’s c hoice to write only in Gikuyu rather than English language: â€Å"I believe that my writing in the Gikuyu language, a Kenyan language, an African language, is part and parcel of the anti-imperialist struggles of Kenyan and African peoples† (267).He reminds me my native country, Kenya, and Kamba is my mother tongue, so if I choose to write in Kamba as Ngugi did, I will not be doing something abnormal. It true that â€Å"imperialism† has turned African people’s minds upside down: African people view abnormal as normal and normal as abnormal. For example, Europe and America became rich and continue to get rich from using both Africa’s natural and human resources, but African people are made to believe that they cannot become poverty free without European and American intervention.Therefore, Ngugi’s decision to abandon English completely in his writings and embrace Gikuyu in attempt to align himself with the people (Gikuyu-speaking population) is one s tep toward cultural identity and independence from European exploitation. I also agree with Ngugi that colonization is not simply a process of physical force rather â€Å"the bullet is the means of physical subjugation, and Language is the means of the spiritual subjugation†(265).In Kenya, colonization propagated English as the language of education; as a result, oral literature in Kenyan indigenous languages gradually faded away. This is devastating to African literature because, as Ngugi writes, â€Å"language carries culture and culture carries, particularly through orature and literature, the entire body of values by which we perceive ourselves and our place in the world†(267).This means that Language as culture, it expresses and carries the culture of people; therefore, it becomes the storehouse of its images, ideas, wisdom, experience and history. It ties me to my people and becomes part of who I am. And finally, language as culture, it shapes how I look at the w orld and myself. Lastly but not least, I think â€Å"Decolonising the Mind† is an integral to understanding an anti-colonialist struggles. Europe and America view colonialism in terms of the most visible aspects of a nation, namely its leadership.People fail to see and recognize the long-term effects of colonialism, such as the widespread poverty. Decolonizing the Mind reminds me of another aftereffect, specifically, the domination of language by the Western World. In a sense, the language barrier enables social apartheid where legal separation is considered anachronistic. By dominating African languages, and asserting the superiority of European ones over them, Western nations, including some African nations, do perpetuate a system where educated whites rise to the highest.As a result, native Africans resign to the working classes and peasantry. This domination of language effectively prevents any native African from rising into intellectual ranks because, as Ngugi puts it, the use of European languages splits African soul in two, forcing him to give up his roots if he wishes to climb the social ladder. Work Cited Currey, James. â€Å"The Language of African Literature† Decolonising the Mind: The politics ofLanguage in African Literature. London: 1981. 263-267

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Natural monopoly Essay

I believe that times change and as they, change rules and regulations must adapt to the times. Therefore, the treatment of the different industries must represent the different industries as they grow. I do not think the Telephone and Broadcast should never have or ever be considered a â€Å"Natural Monopoly†. The concept of natural monopoly presents a challenging public policy dilemma. On the one hand, a natural monopoly implies that efficiency in production would be better served if a single firm supplies the entire market. On the other hand, in the absence of any competition the monopoly holder will be tempted to exploit his natural monopoly power in order to maximize its profits. A â€Å"natural monopoly† is defined in economics as an industry where the fixed cost of the capital goods is so high that it is not profitable for a second firm to enter and compete. There is a â€Å"natural† reason for this industry being a monopoly, namely that the economies of scale require one, rather than several, firms. Small-scale ownership would be less efficient. Natural monopolies are typically utilities such as water, electricity, and natural gas. It would be very costly to build a second set of water and sewerage pipes in a city. Water and gas delivery service has a high fixed cost and a low variable cost. Electricity is now being deregulated, so the generators of electric power can now compete. But the infrastructure, the wires that carry the electricity, usually remain a natural monopoly, and the various companies send their electricity through the same grid. Cable as a â€Å"Natural Monopoly†. Nearly every community in the United States allows only a single cable company to operate within its borders. Since the Boulder decision [4] in which the U. S. Supreme Court held that municipalities might be subject to antitrust liability for anticompetitive acts, most cable franchises have been nominally nonexclusive but in fact do operate to preclude all competitors. The legal rationale for municipal regulation is that cable uses city-owned streets and rights-of-way; the economic rationale is the assumption that cable is a â€Å"natural monopoly. † The theory of natural monopoly holds that â€Å"because of structural conditions that exist in certain industries, competition between firms cannot endure; and whenever these conditions exist, it is inevitable that only one firm will survive. † Thus, regulation is necessary to dilute the ill-effects of the monopoly. [5] Those who assert that cable television is a natural monopoly focus on its economies of scale; that is, its large fixed costs whose duplication by multiple companies would be inefficient and wasteful. Thus, competitive entry into the market should be proscribed because it is bound to be destructive. The Competitive Reality I believe that times change and as they, change rules and regulations must adapt to the times. Therefore, the treatment of the different industries must represent the different industries as they grow. I do not think the Telephone and Broadcast should never have or ever be considered a â€Å"Natural Monopoly†. The concept of natural monopoly presents a challenging public policy dilemma. On the one hand, a natural monopoly implies that efficiency in production would be better served if a single firm supplies the entire market. On the other hand, in the absence of any competition the monopoly holder will be tempted to exploit his natural monopoly power in order to maximize its profits. A â€Å"natural monopoly† is defined in economics as an industry where the fixed cost of the capital goods is so high that it is not profitable for a second firm to enter and compete. There is a â€Å"natural† reason for this industry being a monopoly, namely that the economies of scale require one, rather than several, firms. Small-scale ownership would be less efficient. Natural monopolies are typically utilities such as water, electricity, and natural gas. It would be very costly to build a second set of water and sewerage pipes in a city. Water and gas delivery service has a high fixed cost and a low variable cost. Electricity is now being deregulated, so the generators of electric power can now compete. But the infrastructure, the wires that carry the electricity, usually remain a natural monopoly, and the various companies send their electricity through the same grid. Cable as a â€Å"Natural Monopoly† Nearly every community in the United States allows only a single cable company to operate within its borders. Since the Boulder decision [4] in which the U. S. Supreme Court held that municipalities might be subject to antitrust liability for anticompetitive acts, most cable franchises have been nominally nonexclusive but in fact do operate to preclude all competitors. The legal rationale for municipal regulation is that cable uses city-owned streets and rights-of-way; the economic rationale is the assumption that cable is a â€Å"natural monopoly. † The theory of natural monopoly holds that â€Å"because of structural conditions that exist in certain industries, competition between firms cannot endure; and whenever these conditions exist, it is inevitable that only one firm will survive. † Thus, regulation is necessary to dilute the ill-effects of the monopoly. [5] Those who assert that cable television is a natural monopoly focus on its economies of scale; that is, its large fixed costs whose duplication by multiple companies would be inefficient and wasteful. Thus, competitive entry into the market should be proscribed because it is bound to be destructive. The Competitive Reality 1. A skeptic hearing exhortations that cable television is a natural monopoly that should be locally regulated could have some questions at this point. First, if cable is a natural monopoly, why do we need to guarantee it with a franchise? Economists Bruce Owen and Peter Greenhalgh argue persuasively that given economies of scale, if a cable company â€Å"is responsive and efficient in its pricing and service quality then there will be little incentive for competitors to enter, and no need for an exclusionary franchise policy. â€Å"[9] Thus, if entry restrictions are necessary to arrest competition, the industry by definition is not a natural monopoly. 2. Second, if cable is a natural monopoly, is it necessarily a local monopoly? Some observers use the terms interchangeably, but there is no evidence that economic laws respect municipal boundaries. Given large fixed costs, does it make sense to award a local franchise to one company when another already has facilities in an adjacent community? Yet such â€Å"wasteful duplication,† as the natural monopoly proponents would call it, occurs frequently under the franchise system. Local franchises make no sense in a true natural monopoly setting. 3. These questions, however, go to the heart of natural monopoly theory itself, a doctrine that is under increasing attack. [10] In the face of crumbling conventional wisdom in this area, the burden should be on the natural monopoly proponents to demonstrate that competition is not possible, and further, that regulation is necessary. Such a demonstration will prove impossible in the cable context. Cable is both extremely competitive, facing both direct and indirect market challenges, and, in any event, is better left unregulated. For many decades, economic textbooks have held up the telecommunications industry as the ideal model of natural monopoly. A natural monopoly is said to exist when a single firm is able to control most, if not all, output and prices in a given market due to the enormous entry barriers and economies of scale associated with the industry. More specifically, a market is said to be naturally monopolistic when one firm can serve consumers at lower costs than two or more firms (Spulber 1995: 31). For example, telephone service traditionally has required laying an extensive cable network, constructing numerous calls switching stations, and creating a variety of support services, before service could actually be initiated. Obviously, with such high entry costs, new firms can find it difficult to gain a toehold in the industry. Those problems are compounded by the fact that once a single firm overcomes the initial costs, their average cost of doing business drops rapidly relative to newcomers. The telephone monopoly, however, has been anything but natural. Overlooked in the textbooks is the extent to which federal and state governmental actions throughout this century helped build the AT&T or â€Å"Bell system† monopoly. As Robert Crandall (1991: 41) noted, â€Å"Despite the popular belief that the telephone network is a natural monopoly, the AT&T monopoly survived until the 1980s not because of its naturalness but because of overt government policy. † I hope that the above facts help support my beliefs that these industries should not be considered Natural Monopolies. These companies just executed and had better site than other in the same industry had. Today ATT is just as strong as it ever was. References Benjamin, S. M. , Lichtman, D. G. , Shelanski, H. , & Weiser , P. (2006). FOUNDATIONS. In Telecommunications Law and Policy . (2nd ed. ). (pp. 437 – 469). Durham, NC : Carolina Academic Press. Foldvary, F. E. (1999). Natural Monopolies . The Progress Report. Retrieved January 9, 2012, from http://www. progress. org/fold74. htm Thierer , A. D. (1994). UNNATURAL MONOPOLY: CRITICAL MOMENTS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BELL SYSTEM MONOPOLY . 14(2).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Emergency help and human services in relation to Australian Red Cross Essay

Emergency help and human services in relation to Australian Red Cross and the Salvation Army - Essay Example The recent decades have seen a variety of non-profit organizations arise to participate in the provision of charitable work to the general community. The same field has become an area of concern by researchers and academicians in search for how well these organizations can be productive to the world. The non-profit organizational operations are mostly based on voluntary and are therefore considered as relief provision organizations. Though their operational structures may be similar, major differences are often evident in terms of the organizational structures, leadership styles, and the extent of offering corporate social responsibility among others. The mode of raising funds for such organizations is also mainly done via reliance on external sources, for instance, donor funds, community contributions. The management of the non-profit organizations is also mostly in accordance to the institutional and management theories. The willingness of my company to give away the $200,000 to th e two organizations is dependent on the effectiveness of handling their social responsibility to the community. Thus, research will be useful in the making disbursement decisions. However, though many studies have been conducted in regards to the activities of non-profit organizations, no study has directly related a case study for the two organizations as well as a critical comparison between them. The discussion in this case study report aims at investigating the emergency help and human services in relation to Australian Red Cross and the Salvation Army. ... TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive summary 2 1.0 Introduction 5 2.0 A concise and objective organizational overview 6 2.1 Australian Red Cross 6 2.2 The Australian Salvation Army 9 3.0 Comparative study of the organizations 11 3.1 Comparison 12 3.2 Contrast 13 4.0 Recommendations for distribution of $200,000 14 5.0 Conclusion 15 List of References 16 Emergency help and human services in relation to Australian Red Cross and the Salvation Army 1.0 Introduction Emergency assistance and human help entails utilization of non-profit oriented organizations in the meeting of societal urgent needs. The Australian realms have been adequately dominated by a vast array of non-profit organizations, which are inclusive of Australian Red Cross and the Salvation Army. The main purpose of the operation of these organizations includes the performance of charitable activities in the immediate community as a routine. The creation of a compassionate as well as a dignified society is also the divine role of thes e organizations, in a bid to act as complements to the exertion of the public sectors. The effectiveness of these human organizations is dependent upon the level of their corporate social responsibility, as well as their operational scope. The donor organizations that fund such voluntary organizations value corporate social responsibility, thus, my organization desires to disburse the available funds in relation to how each of the two companies handle the immediate society. The structure of an organization also determines the usefulness of efficiency and effectiveness measures in handling the required responsibilities. However, though both of the aforementioned organizations are

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business Intelligence Technology Issues Assignment

Business Intelligence Technology Issues - Assignment Example This resultant form of information, termed as knowledge now, can be utilized at large by decision makers. The key business terminology of business intelligence, however, has more than just one meaning associated with it. The various meanings that it may relate to are in correspondence with the numerous ways in which business intelligence can be deployed. Each business holds this entity as its integral part. Without the introduction and implementation of business intelligence into present day organizational structures it may potentially be impossible to run a business at all. In order to demonstrate the variations in its meaning two sample practical meanings of Business Intelligence are demonstrated as under. â€Å"Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business decisions. BI applications include the activities of decision support, quer y and reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), statistical analysis, forecasting, and data mining.† (Sauder, 2011) and, â€Å"Normally describes the result of in-depth analysis of detailed business data. Includes database and application technologies, as well as analysis practices. Sometimes used synonymously with "decision support," though business intelligence is technically much broader, potentially encompassing knowledge management, enterprise resource planning, and data mining, among other practices. ...† (csumb, 2011) TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Present day technological advancements have evolved the meaning of business even further. The technology that is used to deploy the business intelligent practices is ever changing. The ever-growing technological advancements are improving the business intelligence methodologies. However every subsequent technological advancement accompanies issues as well. Following is an account of these issues: Data and T echnology 1) The data of an organization is complex and not properly formulated. The organization of data results in timely implementation of Business Intelligent protocols often resulting in their implementation delay and eventually failure. For example, same objects or entities may be quoted within different systems of a the redundancy and clearing out the definition in which these things are used are tasks that hinder timely implementation of business intelligence issues. 2) At times the chosen business intelligence technology does not suit the existing environment of an organization. The technology of business intelligence proves to be so rigid and cumbersome to change that efficient and timely implement of the project becomes impossible. 3) The Business Intelligence technology used may hinder the existing usage of a current system because: The revealing and imaging of the existing information is done in poor or limited manner. The responsiveness of the data within the system is slow. This cannot be acceptable as proficiency in time is the key issue in business intelligent systems. The process of asking new questions related to the business intelligence technology by the end users or the business intelligence experts may be limited due to their complexity or excessive time consumption. The data required for the business intelligent systems may not be resource-able. This may be due to the fact that no

Sex, crime, and soceity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sex, crime, and soceity - Essay Example Despite the many centuries that have passed, many of the beliefs and biases that have animated patriarchal laws have still managed to leave their imprint on present-day legislation. A reexamination of the purpose of the law is long overdue (Wells, 1985). That precisely is what makes the crime of rape so different from other crimes in the statute books. There are complex issues of gender and power involved and the body is perceived as a political field (Duncan, 1995). To quote Baron and Strauss (1987): According to feminist theory, rape functions as a mechanism of social control in patriarchal societies (Brownmiller, 1975; Riger and Gordon, 1981). Feminist theorists argue that rape and the fear of rape enable men to assert their power over women and maintain the existing system of gender stratification (Adamec & Adamec, 1981; Barry, 1979; Brownmiller, 1975; Riger and Gordon, 1981; Russell, 1984; Sanaday, 1981). Clark and Lewis (1977) argue that rape is more likely to occur in societies where women are regarded as the sexual and reproductive possessions of men. In such societies, men sustain their power and privilege and enforce their sexual rights through threats or use of force. Baron and Strauss further went and described the four theories that underlie the crime of rape, in their paper that presents a theoretical model which integrates the four macrosociological theories of rape. They describe these four theories as follows: One theory holds that rape is a mechanism of gender inequality. A second theory attributes rape to the proliferation of pornographic materials. A third, called cultural spillover theory, maintains that cultural norms which favor violence for socially legitimate purposes tend to be generalized to other social contexts and increase the likelihood of rape. And a final theory holds that social disorganization reduces social constraints against

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Redevelopment of Ratho Station Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Redevelopment of Ratho Station - Essay Example One such initiative is to link Ratho station region with BAA, Edinburgh. The components of transportation units proposed composed of combination of tram network supported by cycle ways and car ways. Also, the main access to the Ratho station road cannot presently accommodate huge impact. As a result, it is proposed to construct new road which will link the new road to the Glasgow road. Further, to regulate the traffic flow would be by using separate lanes for both entry into the station and also for exist from the station. This one way network would consist of the proposed road to the station to carry vehicles towards the station and the exist and the station road for those moving out of the station. Installation of proper road signs and display boards , road markings and clear way signs all need to be indicated properly. Also, the display signs shall also incorporate better reflective type of materials to improve visibility in the case of winter and foggy days. The thrust for sustainable development initiatives in the Ratho region have forced the authorities to consider different policies that limit the public using large number of private vehicles. This have forced the regional council to decide not to provide extended car parking facility at the station premises (Edinburgh, n.d.). Thus a few spaces need to be earmarked for the disabled for whom such facilities need to be appropriately provided. The best location identified for such cases is at the main entrance of the station itself. It is estimated that nearly 10 numbers of parking spaces shall be provided as the disabled car parking facility at the main Ratho station entrance. And, to easy movement of the disabled passengers from the parking space to the platform separate wide footway along with the ramp need to be constructed. Such facilities would make Ratho station to be accessed by all in the society without much difficulty. Public transportation The existing facilities for public transportation at the Ratho station region is very minimal. The service of the buses is limited to trip generated by single route available in the region. The prevailing route is the network lining Ratho village, Ratho station and Edinburgh Airport. Thus the initiative to reduce private vehicles also makes the administration to look for increased number of public buses along these routes. Another recommendation being presented to the change the trip frequency to 10 to 15 minutes as a result of which better comfort for public would be experienced. Another major development in connection with the public transportation facility is implementing effective tram network in Ratho region. The major drawback often stated against the trams are its very low travel speed and the obstructions caused by their overhead wires. Thus a concept of underground tram network is mooted in the planning discussions. The route proposed as part of the development initiative w ould start from north side of Ratho station. It would then run parallel to the entry road and later separate to move beneath the Glasgow road through the tunnel. The tram way extends further along the Glasgow road and continues up the airport and finally closes at the new tram station. As large number of heavy vehicles are also expected to pass this region necessary facilities are also

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

English law is too generous to secured creditors. Discuss Essay

English law is too generous to secured creditors. Discuss - Essay Example For clarity, a definition of secured and unsecured creditors will first be established. Then, the discussion will proceed to the various laws and case laws proving that indeed, the laws of UK favours secured creditors. Likewise, the newer laws that are supposed to reform these unfair legislations favouring secured creditors will be addressed. Finally, a conclusion will be formed on the basis of the laws presented whether or not the adage is true. Secured and Unsecured Creditors To define well what secured creditors are, it would be best to first define its anti-thesis, the unsecured creditors. Unsecured creditors are individuals or companies owed money by other individuals or companies which have no recourse for an asset, collateral or fund for repayment in cases wherein default of debtor's payment occurs. On the other hand, secured creditors are generally those that have the benefit of having a security interest over the debtor’s assets. With regards to the English law, parti cularly in relation to the administration of liquidation of companies, insolvency and bankruptcy, the creditors that claims share in the asset are classified into two, i.e., the unsecured and the secured creditors. The former stands pari passu to the later in the event of insolvency or administrative receivership or liquidation. Simply put, secured creditors are treated favourably over unsecured ones in terms of recourse against debtor assets including employees ((Rapalje & Lawrence, 1997). Pertinent Laws on Secured Creditors English law referred to secured creditors numerous times since time immemorial. Most of these references showed favour towards them as opposed to unsecured creditors. The United Kingdom’s security law for instance, has weighed heavily in secured creditors’ favour. Likewise, in cases of insolvency, unsecured creditors rank behind the secured ones. Additionally, secured creditors having qualifying floating charge may have control over the manner of security to be enforced. Moreover, the English law allows secured lenders to enforce said security and step in via a business take over and run the debtor’s business in accordance to their preferences without any due notice given to other unsecured creditors. With these few examples alone, the adage â€Å"English law is too generous to secured creditors† is already being justified. In legislation, secured creditors are given the right to appoint their own â€Å"administrative receiver† in the same manner that they could also block an administrator should they find it necessary (Insolvency Act, 1986). As such, it becomes impossible for them to acquire the business without the intervention of 3rd parties. To prove further that the â€Å"English law is too generous to secured creditors†, several case laws will be discussed as evidence of this adage. All these cases basically revolves around the pursuit of one party to disregard the pari passu law that favors secured creditors over unsecured one, all to no avail. First case in point is the British Eagle International Air Lines Ltd v Cie Nationale Air France (1975). This is a case of English insolvency law that involves a company that winded up and disputes among creditors ensued. This judgment for this case decided it against public policy to vary insolvent estate’s claims and declare unlawful to contract against Insolvency Act of 1986. Thus, the sum due to Air

Monday, September 23, 2019

Review of The augmented CAPM Literature Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Of The augmented CAPM - Literature review Example was criticized by various authors and a new augmented CAPM was devised in order to take systematic risk into account while investing in stock market and completely ignore the unsystematic risk. This augmented CAPM is accurate for applying in the Hong Kong market and thus, its validity is checked through this literature (Hearn, n. d.). Asset pricing models are defined as frameworks that are devised for identifying and measuring risk. The models also identify the rewards that are attached with risk bearing. The theories attached to the models helps in realizing reasons for expected returns on the government bonds to be less than that on the stocks. It also assists in developing idea behind two stocks with different expected returns. The change in expected returns over time is also explained through this model (Hearn, n. d.; Huang, Yang and Hu, 2000). The basic premises of asset pricing model are that the investor’s desires for higher expected returns. The investors do not like to take risk and hold diversified portfolios so that the risk is distributed in different sectors. The models also specify fair rate of return for particular asset. The information regarding rate of return is very crucial for taking any investment decision for corporations who evaluate projects and the formation of portfolios for inves tors. The theories related to models helps in characterizing the risk of a project or acquisition and also examine the discount rate associated with the risk. The asset pricing model was first developed by Sharpe (1964) and Lintner (1965). However, there had been lot of advancement in asset pricing for the past 35 years. The progress was important for understanding the issues encountered while implementing asset pricing models in any emerging market. So, this model should be followed and also modified over time, while investment situation changes due to several challenges. The first asset pricing theory is known as Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) developed

Sunday, September 22, 2019

National Government Essay Example for Free

National Government Essay National Government  is a concept referring to the coalition of the major political parties which were under Ramsay MacDonald,  Stanley Baldwin  and  Neville Chamberlain  they held office from 1931 until 1940. The  Wall Street Crash  was the start of Great Depression  and Britain was badly hit. The Government tried to achieve several different, contradictory objectives which where ones such as, trying to maintain Britains economic position by maintaining the  pound  on the  gold standard, balancing the  budget, and providing assistance and relief to tackle unemployment. In 1931 the situation worsened and there was fear that the budget was unbalanced, which was allowed by the independent  May Report  which triggered a confidence crisis. The  Labour Government  agreed to make changes in taxation and expenditure in order to balance the budget and restore confidence, but the  Cabinet  could not agree on the two options available which was either introduce  tariffs, or make 20% cuts in  unemployment benefit. A final vote was taken on the issue and the Cabinet was split 11:9 with a minority including many political heavyweights such as George Lansbury threatening to resign rather than agree. Due to this unworkable split, on 24 August 1931 the government resigned. Both the Conservative and Liberal parties met with  King George V  and MacDonald, first to discuss support for the measures taken but again to discuss the shape of the next government. On 24 August MacDonald agreed to form a National Government composed of men from all parties with the specific aim of balancing the Budget and restoring confidence. The Government was then meant to resolve once these aims had been met and a general election was to be held. The National Government had many problems during their time in office. One of the major problems they had was the impact of the depression was strong upon Britain. An economic problem they faced was that unemployment had risen to 3 million. During their time in office the unemployment level did drop but this was not due to the national Government it was due to new technology and industries, Rearmament started up in 1936 and there was a housing boom. The national government came up with many schemes such as closing competing factories i. e. cotton; shipbuilding this only increased the number of unemployed. The came up with the unemployment assistance act and the special areas act these worked to a certain extent as for certain areas it was too little too late for schemes like this. But it could not get rid of the intractable million who were people who came from staple industries such as coal, textiles, shipbuilding, iron and steel. These people where the ones who lived in places such as Jarrow where 1 in 10 men where in work. A social problem they faced was that as the impact of the Depression was hard on Britain, there was a large drop in living standards a cut in the amount of benefits people could collect and there was a means test to see if families where eligible for benefits. Which meant fewer families got the ‘dole’ and if they did get it they got a small amount which created the two nations in Britain. As places like Jarrow were one of the worst hit places while places like London and Bristol benefited from a lot of the changes such as they were the ones able to use the new technology and be hired into the new industries and they were one of the few who could afford to buy a new house in the housing boom. There were many hunger marches due to this; the most famous was the Jarrow crusade. This is where many unemployed marched all the way to London to speak to Baldwin about what he was going to do to help them but they were refused a seating which him all they arrived was tea and sympathy it is said. Another Problem faced by the National Government was the balancing of the budget. This was orthodox economics which means it is situation in financial planning where total revenues are equal to or greater than total expenses. This was successful to a limited extent as with all the cuts such as 20% off unemployment as well as having a means test allowing them to save enough money for them to get foreign loans. But only the south of England benefited from the money saved. Social problem occurred due to cuts in unemployment benefit was that there was a drop in benefits for unemployed which led to them having a lower standard of living. They came off the gold standard which made the exports (manufacturers goods) which where imports into other countries cheaper. They lowered interest rates, which helped small businesses, home owners and those in the south of England. Then public sector pay was cut by 10% but navy was not happy about this which caused trouble when the Invogadon navy mutinied. The National Government were successful to an extent but they were limited due to all the economic greatness helped those who were in the south of England and not those in the north which allowed the social deprivation to continue.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The History Of Goodmorning Vietnam Film Studies Essay

The History Of Goodmorning Vietnam Film Studies Essay Goooooooodmorning Vietnam! Ive seen the movie Good Morning Vietnam for my movie review. Good Morning Vietnam is a 1987 American comedy-drama. The film is written by Mitch Markowitz and directed by Barry Levinson. The film is set in Saigon during the Vietnam War. The movie is about a disc jockey, Adrian Cronauer (Robin Williams), who works at Armed Forces Radio Service (AFRS). This radio station appears hugely popular by the soldiers serving in South Vietnam. Adrians outrageous parodies and his rock music makes him popular, but hated by his immediate superiors. I think its a very nice film to see. and Ive seen the movie with a lot of pleasure. The movie Goodmorning Vietnam is filmed during the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War took place during the Cold War. The movie is set during the Vietnam war. We speak of the Cold War in the period from the second half of the 20th century. The Vietnam War occurred in the countries Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, from November 1 1955 to the fall of Saigon that took place on April 30 1975. This war was the First Indochina war. It was the North Vietnam, who were supported by the communist against the government South Vietnam, who were supported by the United States and other anti-communist nations. The Viet Cong were the army of the Communist, who were placed in South Vietnam. The Vietnam war was largely a guerrilla war. Robin McLaurin Williams is an American actor and comedian. He is born at July 21, 1951. With his role as the alien Mork in the TV series Mork and Mindy and later with his stand-up comedy work, he became a famous actor. Williams has performed in al lot of films since 1980. He won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in the film Good Will Hunting. Good morning Vietnam was a very important film in his career, because the most of his outrageous parodies were improvised by himself on the spot. In 1965, Airman Cronauer arrives in Saigon, during the Vietnam War, to work as a DJ for the Armed Forces Radio Service. Cronauers disrespectful behaviour contrasts with a lot off staff members and by his behaviour and other means of presentation, has he soon a conflict with his superiors. These superiors are Second Lieutenant Steven Hauk and Sergeant Major Dickerson. Hauk complies with rigorous Army guidelines in the field of sense of humor and music programming, while Dickerson is irritated by the behavior of Cronauers, but there are people who like Cronauers behaviour like Brigadier General Taylor and all the other DJs like the new man and his kind of humour more and more. Cronauers show consist of unpredictable humour mixed with news updates and rock and roll music that are hated by his superiors. Cronauer meets Trinh a Vietnamese girl. He followed her to her English class. The teacher let him take over the class. When the class ended, Cronauer tries to make contact with Trinh, but her older brother Taun stopped him, who tells Cronauer to leave her alone. Instead, Cronauer befriends with Taun and takes him to Jimmy Wahs, the local bar. Two older soldiers started a fight with the group that escalates into a big scenario. Dickerson states Cronauer responsible for this accident. Tuan is impressed of the DJs behaviour, so he arranged a date with Trinh, with the rest of the family, who chaperoning them. The news in Saigon is censored, but Cronauer locked the door of the studio and broadcasted it anyway. Dickerson ended the radio signal. Hauk replaces Cronauer, but his bad attempts at comedy and plays polka music rather than rock and roll, induce to a lot of letters and phone calls from soldiers who demand that Hauk must be removed and that Cronauer must be put back on the air. Cronauer can come back on the air, but he refuses to go back to work. During a traffic jam, Garlick and Cronauer are by a convey of soldiers. The soldiers persuade him to do an improvisation for them and he gives them a good laugh before they go off to fight in the field. It reminds Cronauer why his job is so important during the war and he is going back to work. Dickerson made up a conspiracy to blow up Cronauer by sending him to interview soldiers in the field, while Dickerson knows that the only road into this specific area is controlled by the Viet Cong. Cronauer doesnt show up by his English class and Tuan steals a car and drives off after them. Tuan finds them, but the car breaks down and they must stopped an Army helicopter that take them back to Saigon. At the station Dickerson tells Cronauer that his friend Tuan actually Phan Duc To is, a Viet Cong operative responsible for several bombing. He will be killed by the Army when they catch him. US Armed Forces members being friend with a Vietcong could be a serious problem for the United States Army. When Cronauer the next day on his way is to the airport, he sets up a softball game with the students from his English class. Garlick, who takes Cronauers place as DJ, plays a tape on the air the next morning after Cronauer is gone. The tape begins with a yell of Gooooooooooooodbye, Vietnam!. What spoken to me about the movie is that its based on a true story. There actually has been an Adrian Cronauer that broadcasted a radio show during the Vietnam War. His popularity and sense of humour werent exaggerated in the movie. I can imagine how important this show must have been for the American soldiers. Cronauer was their form of relaxation and amusement in the Vietnam War. I was also very impressed about the way Adrian (Robbin Williams) broadcasted his radio show. His sense of humour and quick reactions to the situation were amazing! This makes me appreciate Robbin Williams as an actor because of the fact that most of the radio scenes of the movie were totally improvised on the spot. I think the movie was also good because there was a deeper meaning in their description, in my opinion. This deeper meaning was in my opinion that Adrian found out that he was very important for the soldiers. I think that the radio during the Vietnam war very important was for the soldiers in t hat time, because it was the only thing were a bit of happiness took places.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Free College Admissions Essays - The Colors of Our World :: College Admissions Essays

The Colors of Our World White sees black as criminally minded Black sees Asian as racially blinded Asian sees Jew as money-motivated Jew sees white hoods, white-robed hatred Around and around but it stops when I found That I start with my own heart I gotta break down My own racist mind, mind be free Take me one step closer to equality Most of my life has been spent in an almost completely white community. Until last summer, I had only known one person of color, a kid on my middle school cross-country team. We got along pretty well except for the time he hip-tossed me before a meet and cracked a bone in my arm. I notice that at times I find myself prejudging others on the color of skin. I was forced to confront all that I believed on the issue of race and equality when I was accepted as a counselor for our church camp. Along with the 28 other summer counselors, I arrived on the grounds to discover those who would become my lifelong friends. One of them was a black teenager, Justin. Being accustomed to spending time with only whites, at first I had problems adjusting to being with that which was different. Now I look back and wonder how Justin dealt with being the loner among an all-white team. All thoughts of race and any other differences among any of us soon faded as we became a close family. Of course, remarks were made now and then to the color of Justin's skin, but always in loving fun. For example, we often got together as a group to hang out at the beach or pool in the evenings to play beach football or swim. One time Adam, another summer counselor, acted scared wondering where Justin was because he could not see him in the dark. So he yelled out, "Hey, Justin! Where are you? I can't see you. Smile." Everyone laughed at the joke including Justin, giving his location away by the white of his teeth.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Journey into Self in Nicola Griffith’s Ammonite and Nancy Springer’s L

Journey into Self in Nicola Griffith’s Ammonite and Nancy Springer’s Larque on the Wing   Ã‚  Ã‚   Let your soul roam free. Discover your true self.   Play with your inner child.   Share the memories of your ancestors.   Understand your parents.  Ã‚   Have total self control. Open yourself up and peer inside.   These are accomplishments most humans will never achieve, but Nicola Griffith’s Marghe from her novel Ammonite and Nancy Springer’s Larque from her novel Larque on the Wing are able to do all of these things and more. They are accomplished not simply through careful, quiet reflection, but from action, adventure and danger which drive them to the point at which they must adapt and grow or lose themselves forever.   Both women are fully grown at the time of their respective adventures, both have struggled through puberty and young adulthood, and have already â€Å"come of age† in so many words,   and both are strong individuals who seem relatively happy with their work and their lives.   However, because of the conflicts they are thrown into, they receive the chance to understand themselves more fully.   Marghe and Larque’s adventures and misadventures open up possibilities for them to look deep within themselves and discover who they truly are-to remember their pasts, gain insights into their personalities, and to fully realize their potential as human beings.   All of these things combine to paint exciting stories which give the reader greater insight into the human mind and a chance to explore gender roles in ways unavailable to us in our day to day life.   Ã‚  Ã‚   For Marghe, her stay on Jeep was supposed to be short, a trip to study the people and their society, but once she realized that she would be spending the rest of her life there, sh... ...natural and healthy.   Both authors have presented a view of gender in which having specific â€Å"male,† or â€Å"female† qualities is unimportant, and what matters is exploring all of your potentially human qualities.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Marghe and Larque unexpectedly embark on quests to learn more about themselves, and what they discover is more than they had ever thought possible.   They connect with their pasts, discover hidden desires, and gain insights and abilities which cause them to grow exponentially.   They discover who they truly are.   Truth with a capital â€Å"T.†Ã‚  Ã‚   As Lark proclaims near the end of the novel as she battles her mother in a battle of the wills heightened by their psychokinetic powers, â€Å"I am ME!†Ã‚  Ã‚   (Springer, 1994)    Works Cited Griffith, Nicola. Ammonite. Toronto: Ballantine Books, 1992. Springer, Nancy.   Larque on the Wing. New York: Avon Book, 1994.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Moving forward, strategies to enhance participation have been established by researchers to address the prominent needs of women participating in clinical trials.5 There is a need to understand special populations, their culture and past experiences within the healthcare community. Fears and mistrust usually are found to contrive from culture barriers and negative past experiences. Secondly, the establishment of community partnerships provides for effective communication. Strategies to link with communities must be based on the existing relationships between investigators and the communities to which participants are sought. A reconceptualization of the research process for underrepresented participants is necessary.5 Women with negative views towards the participation in research need to perceive involvement in clinical trials as a method for advancing women’s health. Promotion of research through existing relationships with leaders of the community and investigators creates a method of effective trust in the recruitment of participants from the community. Some research institutions have even drafted guidelines for the development and implementation of clinical trials for specific underrepresented communities. The guidelines promote active engagement of community partners in the study design and protocol of the study. Allowing community partners to have influence in the direction of the project to ensure original goals are adhered to appropriately. Highlighting the concept of research projects should be to benefit the community and community members should be involved in the interpretation of data. For the future, continuation of partnerships between community members and researchers after the project is completed is highly reco... ...through involvement in clinical studies. Ethical principles and guidelines must be unambiguous and help increase the advancement of women’s health through clinical trials not impede. Finally, efforts to acquire more information about women to improve women’s health will only result in dismay without strong ethical principles implemented for protection. Thus the establishment of ethical principles, by the support of the FDA and other organizations, will aid in improving the overall process of advancing women’s health by eliminating unethical events involving women and providing guidelines for the design of clinical trials specific to women. There is much to accomplish for the advancements in women’s health in the future, but new breakthroughs in science and innovations lie in the future with the identification of ethical challenges and the discovery of new solutions.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Armenian Genocide

Armenian Genocide Power is a five letter word that continues to exist since the time of creation up until now. It has stirred human emotions from exultations to greed. To be above and be of great power over something or someone is a part of human nature. Power has seen the acquisition of great wealth, the growth of empires, the birth of nations and heroes. But the search for power has also been the biggest downfall of men. A great example is the Mass Murder of the Ottoman Empire, also known as the Armenian Genocide. It commenced during and Just after World War 1 and it is one of the most rutal and excruciating mass murders in history.To this day, Turks still continue to deny that this event ever occurred, but the destruction of the Armenians exhibits and illustrates various examples of the word â€Å"genocide†: The deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group (Wikipedia) The massacre in the Ottoman Empire during 1914-1918 is considered Genocide because the Turks displayed great examples of Denial, Classification and Extermination, which are three of the eight stages of genocide. The Armenian genocide could have been prevented with the help of all the allied countries and German officials.A political group made up of young Turks, the committee of union and progress [CUP], made a secret document which they called â€Å"The Ten Commandments†. The Ten Commandments are basically blue prints for the planned mass murder of the Armenians (notes). Explaining the contents of this document a cover note was written by British officials and it said, â€Å"My informant declares that messengers were sent to the different [governors] in the provinces with instructions o read these orders to them and then return the originals which were to be destroyed† (Crimes Against Humanity 73).The secrecy from the beginning is already an attempt to sow the seed of denial. For further proof that these doc uments were classified, the tenth commandment of the committee of union and progress stated, â€Å"Pay attention to the strictly confidential nature of these instructions, which may not go beyond two or three persons† (Crimes Against Humanity 74). Perpetrators found a way to use language to make it sound acceptable to slaughter Armenians and blame hem for their own sufferings (notes). The play of words can not Justify that those who suffered are the ones at fault.The Turkish government sent billions of dollars supporting congress (notes). ln the beginning of the Armenian Genocide film; the narrator said â€Å"Until this day, Turks still deny that the Armenian Genocide ever happened† (â€Å"Armenian Genocide film†). One saying goes â€Å"where there is smoke, there is fire†. The stench of death is too great to deny. How can one explain the disappearance of a generation, a community, a family? The Turks segregated the Armenians for their suffering and from other countries and also put them into prison.According to the reading, â€Å"At the end of July 191 5, the government began to deport the Armenians of Anatolia and Cilicia, transferring the population from regions which were far distant from the front and where the presence of Armenians could not be regarded as a threat to the Turkish army† (Crimes Against Humanity 85) Armenians were being classified; this is a great example of power at play. Separation was deemed necessary to gather the weak so hat they can easily be crushed by the strong.Turks first targeted to execute the â€Å"Intelligentsia†, the formally educated people which consisted of writers, politicians, poets, doctors, lawyers and etc. (Crimes Against Humanity 84). To get rid of the strong, reliable men, all of them that were 18 and older were shot (note). The Intelligentsia group and men were the first ones killed because they had knowledge and authority; enough knowledge to start revolt and rebellion. A systematic plan was necessary to make sure that the Armenians had no way of getting back their dignity nd their freedom through knowledgeable actions.Women and children were raped and dehumanized (notes). By the end of 1916, more than half of the populations of the Armenians were slaughtered (Crimes Against Humanity 86). This proves that the Armenian genocide happened because genocide means killing of a certain race or tribe. It is proven that some people did try to prevent more genocide against the Armenians. US missionaries, Turkish officials and friends did try to save some Armenians. (Crimes Against Humanity 85). All these actions were simply not enough r were too late for millions of lives were still lost.If only the world was vigilant to the beginning signs of oppression, there will be no such word as â€Å"genocide†. To quote the German Ambassador, Henry Morgenthau â€Å"l shall do nothing whatever for the Armenians† (Crimes Against Humanity 121). Wanting to ma ke a difference Wolff- Matternich tried to do something, but he got shut down and said, â€Å"In order to achieve any success in the Armenian question, we will have to inspire fear in the Turkish government regarding the consequences† (Crimes Against Humanity 121).The differences in opinions overseas did not help in the prevention of the annihilation of the Armenians. While they are debating as to what actions and side to take, the sufferings of the Armenians confounded. One decisive move in the name of what is right and what is Just could have prevented everything. The big question to ask is: WHY? As the Turks continue to deny, the answer to this question will continue to evade history. In conclusion, people should consider everything that the poor Armenians have gone through as genocide.Think about the istory of a whole family, lost. The future of children one will never get to see and a whole country forever mourning for a generation buried in silence. Even if it happened over one hundred years ago, and Justifications after Justifications were made, the terminology â€Å"genocide† is Just but a word to give meaning to a terrifying event. But in simple terms, it is a mass murder of dumbfounding proportions. Many countries and powerful people could have helped and intervened, but they did not.Human actions matter because the burden of guilt is not carried only by the erpetrator, but also of a silent witness to a horrible crime. We are all a product of our past. If one does not acknowledge their past, and learn from its lessons, then the future will be one bleak horizon of uncertainty. An event such as the Armenian genocide should not remain as Just a story to tell from generation to generation. The whole purpose of retelling their story is to touch the core of human sensitivity over and over. To remind each and everyone to value one human life as a million human lives lost for nothing.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A chiropractic office Essay

A chiropractic office lost all of its computer data, and I was hired for the amount of time that it would take me to type up all of their hard copies into their new computer system. It took me a total of two weeks to type up a three-foot stack of papers. The skills required were mainly typing and editing skills, and sometimes I had to be able to read the doctor’s handwriting. I felt that no further motivation was necessary regarding skill level, since I am a quick, accurate typist and I enjoyed learning about various alternative health remedies as I went along. I completed the entire stack of papers by myself, and I found the solitary work to be relaxing and enjoyable. I felt that my job was, indeed, meaningful since many of the papers were standard legal forms or alternative health information or recipes for kidney stones or other ailments. At any given point in time, I was either directly assisting the chiropractic office or the patients thereof. Since I was a friend of the chiropractor and a trusted member of the staff, I was given full autonomy to complete my assignment on my time, at my discretion and on my schedule. That motivated me to do a stellar job in a short amount of time. Afterward, everyone was impressed by the quality of work I did, but especially the short amount of time in which I did it. I felt satisfied and like I accomplished something worthwhile and in an efficient manner. Â  I will use this same chiropractic office as my next example. An example of strategic planning is when the chiropractor refers the patient to their next appointment, telling them what needs to be checked up on or corrected next time. In this manner, he is not leaving it up to the patient to decide, but recommending a timeframe for when they should return. In this manner, for as long as the patient needs his help, he is providing himself continuing clientele. An example of functional-level planning is when he hired me to type up his paperwork or hired a receptionist to take care of patient evaluation and scheduling of appointments. In this manner, he is allowing himself to give the patients his full, undivided attention which will heal them faster, and allocating other work responsibilities to other people. In this way, he remains organized and punctual. The differences in decision making between the chiropractor and, say, his receptionist is drastic. If the receptionist were to determine when a patient was finished with treatment, a patient could be over-treated or under-treated and lose a lot of money, which would be spread by word-of-mouth and cost the business lots of money. And if the chiropractor made it his responsibility to take care of the tax reports, he would spend hours away from his treatment table, when he could be taking walk-ins or checking the status of a patient’s healing.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Siemens: Motivation and Employees

SIEMENS: 1. Identify four benefits to Siemens of its in-depth training and development of workers. Ans. Training refers to increasing the knowledge, skills and attitude of employees or extending those the employees already have. Siemens as the top three electrical and electronic companies has been running various effective training programs for their employees in order to build a strong work force and thus contribute better services to the society.In order to do that, they are providing their employees with both on the job (shadowing, mentoring, coaching, job rotation) and off the job (courses, presentations, qualifications) training sessions. Along with the training, company is also providing different development programs to make their employees more flexible, adaptable to change, more creative and innovative. All these training and development programs have brought outstanding benefits to the company.Four of the main benefits of these are discussed below: * Raising productivity an d profit: The main objective of doing any business is to make profit increasing productivity. Siemens also has the same motive and for that it is continuously looking for improved training programs to build a more competent, efficient and a highly motivated team of employees. As the training is motivating the employees highly, they are more dedicated to work for Siemens which in turn gives the company a huge production and profit every year. Improving services and customer satisfaction: The employees of Siemens are always working for providing better service to their customers. They are highly motivated and confident enough to serve the customers with servicing them on time, keeping their clients informed and by doing what they are promising to do. These types of service are making the customers happy and satisfied to stay with Siemens. * Being more able to respond to competition: A well trained employees with good key skills, especially communication and team working skills has giv en the company a competent and efficient work force.So, this era of huge competition, they have achieved to be the top three electrical companies of the world and is currently competing with all their small and large competitors successfully. * Able to gain long-term employee commitment: Costs of recruiting staffs are high but retaining good staffs are far more difficult. Through different training and development programs like- Apprenticeship, Siemens Commercial Academy, Siemens Graduate Programs, the company is training to build a group of good staffs, they are making them more qualified, more dedicated and motivated towards the organization.It makes the employees stay with the company for longer periods which reduces the cost of recruitment resulting in cost savings. 2. Explain how an appraisal system can help to motivate employees. Ans. To measure the effectiveness of its training and development, unlike other renowned organizations Siemens is also using an appraisal system, kno wn as Performance management process. Well-designed and well-executed performance appraisals have a strong motivational impact. Appraisals have the power to motivate employees because they provide a number of interconnected benefits.A well planned appraisal method can thus motivate an organization’s employees to find out the best from them. A well planned appraisal method tends to cover up the following issues which can help the employees to be well motivated: * Demonstrates the need for improvement: If employees don’t have a clear understanding of how they’ve been performing, they can’t be motivated to make any improvements. So, an appraisal system works as a standard to motivate people by pointing out the deficiencies on them. * Employees build a sense of personal value.When managers take the time and effort to carefully review, analyze, document, and discuss performance with employees, the underlying message to the employees is that they’re impo rtant and valuable, and this alone is quite rewarding, whether the feedback is positive or not. * Turn the employees around: When employees are performing poorly, performance appraisals can provide the wakeup call that they need to get refocused and reenergized. With performance appraisal, however, the purpose of the session is not strictly disciplinary, so the employee is more likely to walk in with a more receptive and open mind. Pay reviews: In some instances, appraisals are related to pay reviews. In these cases, if the employees pay rises due to their good performance, they will feel motivated. * Increases satisfaction. When performance appraisals meet the employees’ needs in such areas as gaining recognition, sensing achievement and competence, experiencing growth, and meeting objectives, they’re also contributing to the employees’ job satisfaction, and this is one of the most important elements at work today. When employees are satisfied, some of the most visible indicators are reduced turnover, absenteeism, and tardiness. Meets higher-level psychological needs: Recognition is one of the most powerful forms of motivation for large numbers of employees. Although, there are numerous possible sources of recognition on the job, performance appraisals are an opportunity for employees to receive formal, significant, and enduring recognition from their manager. * Proper feedback: Providing the employees with proper feedback may give them the motive to try hard to overcome their deficiencies and retaining the positive attitudes on them. 3.Using your understanding of the work of Herzberg, which motivators can you see in action at Siemens? Ans. From the Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory, we came to know that, an individual’s relation to his or her work is a basic one and that his or her attitude toward work can very well determine the individual’s success or failure. There are both intrinsic and extrinsic factors which results in employee’s satisfaction or no satisfaction. From the intrinsic factors the following can be seen as present in Siemens: * Responsibility: All Siemens graduates are treated as individuals and responsible.The working environment of Siemens says that it requires high skills, knowledge and working ability in their employees. So, the organization works by making their employees responsible towards their work. * Advancement: For the advancement and career development of the employees, Siemens has come up with Apprenticeship training, Commercial academy and Graduate programs. They are also provided with further qualification if necessary. These types of opportunities make the employees feel that they are advancing with their career and the company values them. * Recognition: Siemens recognizes their employee’s efforts and hard work.Those who come up with outstanding performance are treated with rewards and appraisal. * Growth: Siemens looks forward to growth of th e employees as well as the organization. In the case Paul Thomson says that, his training effort helped him to grow in the organization. There are some external factors that is also working as a motivating factors: * Supervision: Employees in Siemens are closely supervised and given feedback on their works. This sense of appraisal system and supervision motivates the employees to maintain a long term relation with the organization. *Relationship with peers: In the case, Gavin Leslie says that, He feels good to share things with his colleagues and there is a good relationship that occurs in the organization. They feel more socially belonging to their co-workers. * Working condition: There remains a happy, friendly environment in the organization and thus the employees make sure that their customers are staying happy. They feel good that Siemens is treating them as they want their customers to be treated like. Combinedly, all these motivating factors are helping the employees meeting up their needs as well as the company to retain their best employees for long term. . Analyze how Siemens uses training and development to ensure growth in its business. Ans. Training and development helps the growth of a business. Siemens has a clear focus on well-motivated and trained work force as it is an asset for any types of organization. They are providing different training and development programs which are making the employees more skilled to remain competitive. These well-trained employees help to retain customers as they enjoy services from them. This contributes to customer loyalty and repeat business.Thus, Siemens is treating their employees just as they want their customer to be treated which in turn is giving Siemens a huge business growth and good will. So, we can see, ensuring growth of any business lies upon its employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction which Siemens is successfully maintaining. Various training and development programs Helps to build more skilled, motivated and competitive work force Repeat transaction increases production and helps to grow business Loyal customers make repeat transaction Motivated employees tend to provide better customer service and retain customers

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Child Called It

Jalen Jones Mrs. Moore English 113 A 1/3/12 Book Summary A Child Called It by David Pelzer is a real life story about a boy who was brutally beaten and severely starved by his alcoholic mother. When David was young, he lived a well and typical life with his parents and brothers. However, his mother unexpectedly, became a monster, taking her anger out on her anger on her vulnerable child.David was forced to lie in freezing cold water with his whole body under except for his nostrils, forced to eat his own vomit, sleep in the basement under the stairs, stabbed, and forced to sit in the bathroom with a mustard gas solution while the door was closed. These are just a few of the brutal, tortuous games that David’s mother used to play. She treated him not like her son, but like nobody with no feelings or emotions. David’s mother would never call him by his name, she always either called him â€Å"The Boy† or â€Å"It† David experienced both psychological and phy sical abuse.In order to survive from his mother's sick games, David used willpower. David has a strong will to survive at any cost. Through all of mothers’ torturous games, David's internal strength began to come into view. Introduction to Interview David Pelzer’s story is the exact opposite of a fairy tale. There was something I couldn’t get right about him. He looked normal but his childhood wasn’t. The room was bright and warm. I sat there preparing my questions for David Pelzer. As he walked into the room and sat down in the chair, I wondered â€Å"is this going to be a dreadful, painful day for David Pelzer? I knew that today, skeletons will be brought out of the closet. Today, there will be secrets revealed. Interview Questions Okay David, let’s jump right in. What was mother like? Mother was†¦ Mother. She was an alcoholic who tortured and starved me for her sick pleasure. She would do things to me that you couldn’t possibly fath om. Once she stabbed m in the stomach and gave me a slightly longer time to complete my chores. But the person, who I loathed in that situation the most, was father. After I was stabbed I turned to him for help and I assumed he would rescue me. Boy was I wrong.He just sat there†¦ In his chair†¦ Continuing to read his paper. When I told him all he could say was â€Å"Jesus H. Christ! Does Mother know that you are talking to me? You better go back in there and do the dishes. Damn it boy, we don’t need to do anything that might make her more upset! I don’t need to go through that tonight†¦I tell you what: you go back in there and do the dishes. I won’t even tell that you told, okay? This will be our little secret. Just go back in the kitchen and do the dishes. Go on now, before she catches the both of us. GO! † That day I lost all respect for him.The day I was taken away from that house was easily the best day of my life. What was the worst th ing mother did to torture you? The worst form of torture? Easily the â€Å"Gas Chamber† I would be trapped in the bathroom with a solution of Clorox  ® and Ammonia. In case you didn’t know that makes Mustard Gas. This was used in WWI to burn your eyes and lungs. The only way to save myself was to push the bucket closer to the door, put one of my work rags over my face. The main reason why I would push the bucket toward the door was so that when Mother opened the door, she would get a taste of her own medicine.My eyes would be red and burning and my throat will be sore and will be blister filled. Every time she did this I would pray to god that he would bring me through this. I had much will power. When Mother opened that door after each session, I would sprint for fresh air, and every time she would get a kick out of it. What was mother like before the abuse? Before the abuse started, my family was the â€Å"Brady Bunch† of the 1960’s. When it came to h ousekeeping mother was a clean fiend. After feeding my two brothers and me breakfast, she would clean, disinfect, scour, and vacuum everything.She never believed in doing anything half way. Our flower garden was the envy of the neighborhood. Mother was an amazing cook. She would often cook foreign and exotic meals. One time she took us to china town and dove around the area. As we did this, she told us about the culture and history of the Chinese people. When we returned home, mom started the record player and played beautiful sounds from the orient. She decorated the living room with Chinese lanterns. That evening she dressed in a kimono and served an exotic yet delicious Chinese meal.She always kept the house filled with pets; cats, dogs, aquariums filled with exotic fish, and a gopher tortoise named Thor. I remember him the best because I named him after my favorite comic book hero. Boy those were the good days. While school was out, what did you do? During the spring time, mothe r made me mow lawns. I would go out and mow lawns all day for a quota mother had set. If I didn’t meet the quota, I would get brutally beaten. Sometimes I would have to ask for money to meet my quota. One Christmas, she bought me skates. They were not for pleasure but for torture.Mother would make me skate outside in the freezing cold for hours with no coat on. It was horrible. Even though people saw me, no one did anything or asked questions. Was there a time where you stopped believing in god or that faith was nonexistent? Yes there was. When my father left, I stopped believing. He was my hero. My father was my only main choice of escaping that misery home. When he left, I had no more hope. All faith of leaving was gone. When he left, I started to do my chores nonchalantly. I decided that if there was nothing to live for why try to be perfect? What was something you were extremely proud of during your childhood?One day I entered a competition to name the school newspaper. I had one the competition and Mr. Ziegler; my teacher had given me an award to take home to my mother. I was hoping that she would be proud of me but boy was I wrong. Mother jabbed her finger and my face and hisses â€Å"Get one thing straight you little son of a b****! There is nothing you can do to impress me! Understand me? You are a nobody! An It. You are nonexistent! You are a bastard child! I hate you and I wish you were dead! Dead! Do you hear me? Dead! † After mother tore the letter to pieces mother returned to her TV show.I stood motionless gazing at the letter which lay like snowflakes at my feet. Even though I heard those words over and over again, the word â€Å"it† stunned me like never before. She had stripped me of my very existence. What would you do to steal food? Sometimes I would steal from the grocery store during recess. I would run to the grocery store, steal food, and run out the store with my prize. One of my favorites was to go through lunch box es of other kids and steal some of their food. But teachers found out about that. On my way to school, I would knock on peoples doors saying† I lost my lunch, can you make me one? One day I knocked on the wrong door. It was a friend of mothers. She made me a lunch but she called mother. I prayed all day that she didn’t call mother. When I got home I paid for what I did. Do you have any advice for people who get abused? Of course. Keep the faith. Always know there is a higher power helping you through the situation. Keep your head up. In time everything will get better. It did for me. I stopped believing but that only got me more torture. Just always know things will get better. Things always turn out in the best. Always remember that.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Short Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Short Case Study - Essay Example The ceiling also had wet patches which is a sign of poor maintenance. The ceiling condition was questionable since it has been intact for several years since its installation. Possible causes of the incident can be generalized to give countless reasons. They may include; poor quality of ceiling material, poor maintenance, poor roofing and ceiling installation and the negligence of the symptoms and risks caused by the ceiling conditions. Since root analysis is a team work option, the senior members of the organization would not have known until the leaking incident in the boardroom. The staffs at large carry the responsibility of good working conditions on their shoulder. To avoid future incidences, the replacement of the ceiling is highly recommended. To keep the risk at bay, replacement of all old ceiling in the organization should also be done. Since the boardroom is an activity filled room, maintenance will have it fixed as the replacement preparations are structured to avoid any inconveniences. To resolve a crisis or to attain an objective, one does not require the knowledge to all the solutions in advance, but you have to have an apparent idea of the crisis or the objective you want to attain (Hammon, Keeney & Raiffa,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Final papeer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Final papeer - Research Paper Example Tehran’s IAEA agreement refers to an agency formed to regulate nuclear and atomic energy. Basically, any country that is a member of the IAEA is expected to act within its mandate. In the event that it acts outside its mandate, then necessary action will be taken. In contrast to this view, there are some people who claim that the world may be heading to a more peaceful state. In as much as the International Atomic Energy Agency categorized Iran as harboring nuclear weapons, they did not clearly state whether the weapons were for peaceful purposes or not. After IAEA investigated the issue of the nuclear weapons in Iran and founding Iran uncooperative, resolving the situation became a diplomatic matter. This research paper will hence address the issue with the aim of supporting the thesis that Iran’s nuclear development may or may not be for peaceful purposes. The paper will hence look at how the nuclear development may not be for peaceful purpose, how Iran is associated to be a terrorist state, and its Islamic region tension to the west. However, it will also look critically into the matter and also prove how Iran’s nuclear development would not be used for war purpose. First, in as much as Iran announced that its nuclear development was purely for peaceful purpose, IAEA questioned their increased interest in nuclear. Even after making investigations and ordering Iran to suspend their Uranium program, plus any projects which had relation to the nuclear programmer, Iran still did not comply. Its inability to comply with what it has been asked brought Western interest, who believed dominated the council to the extent of manipulating it. After investigations, Iran was discovered to harbor nuclear stations which had been buried underground, denoting their purpose that it was not meant for peaceful purpose. In addition, Iran refuted any claims of preparing for war. Nevertheless, as tension heightened in the countries belonging to

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Creation of Jewish State Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Creation of Jewish State - Essay Example The contact of British Empire with Africa became extensive from 1740 onwards. British traders used to make huge income and profits by exchanging manufactured goods for slaves in Africa and then selling slaves further in North America. These traders further amplified their profits by bringing cotton, sugar and tobacco back to Britain. British control bit by bit increased in South Africa and it took control of the Cape of Good Hope in 1795. In 1807, Britain outlawed slavery and hence its relations with Africa enhanced. Britain continued to follow its trial and error method of allying with local rulers and then amalgamating in conflicts between its cronies and their enemies. In the mean while, British gained ever-increasing influence in West Africa and in North Africa. In the 1830s and 1840s Britain increased its involvement in controlling a larger area of southern Africa. And in 1844 Britain was successful in taking the control of the Gold Coast of West Africa. Nevertheless during that period, missionaries and traders like David Livingstone were coming into contact with new African people. They were opening up trade routes and were establishing political alliances. This course of action speeded up when gold and diamonds were found in South Africa in the 1870s and 1880s. Then British came into a clash with the Boers and in due course it resulted in the Boer War of 1899-1902. And it helped the British to enjoy the overall control of the country which today is South Africa. There after from 1870 to 1900 Britain took control of increasingly large areas of West and North Africa. As West Africa was an important, helpful and valuable supply of gold and other trading goods. By 1890s, much of the coastal area of West Africa and parts of the lands which now are the parts of Nigeria, were under British control. In 1880s Britain successfully took control of Egypt. North Africa was an important area for Britain because it was on the trade route between Britain and it's most important and precious territory, India. In the time of 1929 British wanted to keep Jewish immigration limited, inadequate and restricted. Zionists, at that time were worried about the problem that immigration imposed on available resources in Palestine. They acknowledged their Migration to Palestine as an economic suffering. In the nineteen-twenties, Zionists bought some piece of land for agriculture in Palestine but poor and landless Muslims resented it. The Grand Mufti, al-Huseini along with other Muslim aristocrats tried to make money by selling this land to Zionist organizations at prices higher as compared to those prices at which they could sell to their fellow Muslims. At the same time they complained about Jews. Zionists increased aggression against the Jews where as Muslim leaders promoted calm, harmony and peace rather than aggression and hostility. At that time a conflict blows up between Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem. Huseini hold Jews accountable of having seized Muslim holy places in Jerusalem that were Al Aqsa and Al-Hara. In reaction to it they exasperated Arab mobs and they attacked Jews in Jerusalem and looted their homes. The attacks and looting was so extensive that it then broadened to

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Heart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Heart - Essay Example The arterial supply of the heart is built from the right and left coronary arteries, which arise from the aorta. The cardiac muscle is composed by specialized cells: cardiac myocytes. Kumar et al. (2005) describe five major components in the myocytes: cell membrane (sarcolemma) and T-tubules; sarcoplasmic reticulum; contractile elements; mitochondria; and nucleus. The sarcolemma and T-tubules enable impulse conductions, and the sarcoplasmic reticulum is a calcium reservoir needed for contraction. Mitochondria are crucial components, since they are involved in cardiac contraction by providing a constant supply of ATP to the sarcomeres. Mitochondria are abundant in cardiac tissue, constituting 20% to 40% of cellular volume in energy-demanding zones (Marin-Garcia 2005). Cardiac muscle is composed of sarcomeres, which are the contractile units with an arrangement of thin and thick myofilaments. The myocytes are composed of many parallel myofilaments arrays of sarcomeres in series, which are responsible for the striated appearance (Kumar 2005). Thin filaments are composed of various proteins named actin, tropomyosin, and troponin. Myosin is the thick filament, and possesses the cross-bridges that can attach to the actin. Au (2004) has described the various components of the sarcomere in great detail. Since cross-bridges possess ATPase activity, contraction may be explained as a continuous cycling of cross-bridges. Moreover, cardiac muscle fibers are joined together by junctional complexes called intercalated discs (Dunn 2004), so that the action potential is spread. The role of Calcium Calcium (Ca2+) regulates mechanical contractions and Vandenboom et al. (2005) have shown that "cross-bridge attachment increases thin filament activation dynamically and that this increase is proportional to the level of activation first established by Ca2+"; during membrane depolarization, a small amount of Ca2+ enters through specialized channels, and the influx triggers calcium release of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Intracellular calcium binds to troponin C, which induces activation of the myofilaments and muscle contraction. Relaxation is initiated by dissociation of Ca2+ from troponin C, followed by its reuptake into the sarcoplasmic reticulum and removal through sodium/calcium exchangers (Chakraborti et al. 2007). Structure and Function Ventricular muscle contracts during systole and relaxes during diastole. The sarcomere length and sliding mechanism has been described by various researchers (Pollack et al 2005). The Frank-Starling mechanism depicts the relationship between structural components of the heart and its function: shorter sarcomeres have considerable overlap of actin and myosin filaments, reducing its contractile force, whereas longer lengths enhance contractility. In a normal heart, moderate dilation increases the subsequent force of contraction. With progressive dilation, however, there is a point at which effective overlap of filaments is reduced, and the force of contraction is reduced (Kumar 2005). The clinical consequences of

A Joint Venture Company. What Is The Difference Between This Type Of Essay

A Joint Venture Company. What Is The Difference Between This Type Of Companies And Joint Stock Companies - Essay Example Since a joint venture partnership company is only formed for the short term, it terminates when the purpose of the joint venture partnership company is fulfilled. Similarly, each party also contributes in the assets to start up this joint venture. Most often, companies use joint ventures as a means of infiltrating foreign markets where they see potential and seek to do business in. for instance, if a foreign company is interested in doing business in China, they will form a joint venture company with a domestic Chinese firm which will help them gain access to the Chinese market due to the experience of the domestic company which already knew the ropes of how to function in the local Chinese market. Furthermore, when foreign companies enter into joint venture partnership companies with domestic firms of the market that they want to enter and operate in, they are not the only ones who benefit from the arrangement. Domestic firms are at an advantage in this arrangement too, they benefit from the new technological and business practices that the foreign firms bring to their market which serve as a learning experience for the domestic firms, consequently expanding their horizons. The foreign companies benefit from the value provided to them by the domestic company’s pre-existing relationship with the key players in the domestic government and industry. In more technical terms, a joint venture is treated like a regular partnership business for taxation purposes. However, joint ventures that transcend the boundaries of one country and go global are subject to international trade laws as well as the internal laws of the government of the economy they plan to penetrate. (Joint Venture, 2010). According to Folta (2012), who writes about foreign joint ventures in China, talks about how joint ventures a way for foreign firms to get past the barriers of the local Chinese market and reap the benefits of business operations in the local market. While talking about the advantages of joint venture partnership companies, the author mentions several factors that come into play. Other advantages of joint venture partnership companies include the fact thet they alleviate rich, grant access to domestic markets, are easier to manage and offer benefits in terms of tax advantages. â€Å"Partnerships, Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances† talks about the effective connection among the three entities in business. As the authors point out, joint ventures have one of the highest crash rates in the world. (Glover and Wasserman, 2003). Yet, still joint ventures are becoming a growing trend in the modern globalized world. (Gutterman, 1997). As can be deduced, this paradigm shift has been due to the vast avenue of opportunities that globalization has opened up for businesses all over the world. They have now become interested in foreign economies as lucrative sources of investment and income for their business operations and joint venture companies provid e them an ideal platform to increase their reach into the market of a foreign economy they are interested in. Visconti (2003) in his book â€Å"Joint Venture† also talks about the topic along similar lines. Joint stock companies on the other hand are companies set up for business activity with the profit motive with profit divided among the owners who are the share holders in proportion to the amount of stock they own in the company. When owners invest in a joint stock company they receive shares in return for that investment. The business operatio

Monday, September 9, 2019

College application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

College application - Essay Example Indeed there are many good schools competing with each other for a student’s education and training but an enrollee has to consider also that he himself has competitors in the business so that it becomes crucial to him to consider the school he must enroll in. The internet opens one’s knowledge of the different schools and poses a greater challenge for the choosing of a good school because every school claims to be the best. However, such a problem can be made easy to solve by defining a person’s abilities, capabilities, limitations and expectations. Personally, I have aimed to be in a school whose quality education is well known and has been tested through the years. Considering a well established school which has been in the business long enough to show its assets, strengthened by the testimonies of her graduates has been on the top of my list of criteria in looking for the school I will enroll in. Jain’s Choosing the Best Hotel Management School: The 10 Basics ( helped me a lot in defining important criteria which one should verify when looking for the school that would best fit one’s expectations and has proved to have made considering options easier. Jain suggests students to verify information regarding official bodies that recognize the school, courses offered and levels in addition to what has been mentioned earlier about testimonies.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Design & defend an optimal performance appraisal system for a position Research Paper

Design & defend an optimal performance appraisal system for a position you aspire to hold (medical supervisor) - Research Paper Example The typical methodology geared to dealing with performance appraisal systems relies on using a generalized approach where one performance appraisal system is used for a number of different hierarchical positions in an organization (Cascio, 2013). However, it would only make sense to design a performance appraisal system that is attuned to the needs of a particular position being appraised. This paper attempts to design an optimal performance appraisal system for the position of a medical supervisor based on current research findings. Description of Position The performance appraisal system under design is for the position of a medical supervisor. Essentially the position requires a large amount of daily interaction with patients as well as members of staff and occasionally contact with members of regulatory agencies. Additionally, the medical supervisor represents a senior position at any medical institution and is responsible for overseeing the training and skill development of his subordinates. The medical supervisor needs to keep tabs on the budgeting of resources and scheduling of staff members to ensure uninterrupted medical service to patients. The multifaceted nature of the job of a medical supervisor means that the incumbent medical supervisor needs to be ready on all fronts to deliver in order to be relevant to the organization’s overall objectives. Proposed Optimal Appraisal Performance System The proposed appraisal performance system for the position of a medical supervisor is divided into sections based on the major responsibilities for the position. The responsibilities are segregated through broad overviews since the current paper is not intended to dissect all of the responsibilities in complete detail. The primary responsibility of a medical supervisor is to the patients under treatment. Patients can be seen as the customers for any medical system so delivering to the customers is of the utmost importance. The medical supervisor is suppor ted by his staff at various levels and positions in order to service the patients so dealing with staff is a secondary responsibility to ensure satisfactory service provision at least. Moreover, the medical supervisor is responsible to his immediate superiors and members of regulatory agencies such as the American Medical Association (AMA) who require consistent feedback for continuous performance assessment. Performance Appraisal for Patients The basic contention behind performance appraisals is to provide employees with feedback regarding their performance (Broady-Preston & Steel, 2002). In the case of medical institutions, the customers are patients under treatment. Performance appraisal needs to emanate from patients and their relatives who judge the quality of services being delivered by a medical supervisor. Essentially such a grass roots level performance appraisal system bases itself on the 360 degrees appraisal system proposed by Milliman (1994). The idea behind such an app raisal system is to ensure that all people interacting with an employee especially customers provide their effective feedback in relation to the employee’s attitude and behavior (Cascio, 2013). This provides the medical supervisor with a more goal oriented performance appraisal system that encourages a quantitative method to evaluate job

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Differences between Private and Public Sexuality Research Paper

Differences between Private and Public Sexuality - Research Paper Example Sexuality incorporates ones human body, thoughts, and soul. This paper respects sex wholesome and does not focus on the physical methods of sex intercourse but aims to discover the issue of sexuality in the angle of its public and private aspects. To observe the issue, it is important to provide a clear definition of the sexuality, as it can be often confused. It is much wider than body and physical interaction; yet they are strongly involved. It covers the points of gender identification and gender role – to which sex a person refers him- or herself and a way he or she is expected to act according to it. Sexual orientation is, of course, important part of sexuality. Sexuality also concerns body image; it can drastically change peoples lives and determine their self-esteem and pleasure gained from life. Sexuality covers aspects of sexual experiences, fantasies, ideas etc. It defies the way our surrounding – friends, family, religion, society shape our sexual perceptions and convictions. Sexuality immerses through all areas of our lives; it is seen through the movements, mimics, conversations etc. It is connected with the way people feel love, compassion, intimacy, even sorrow ("Sexuality Resource Center for Pare nts"). Sex itself has undergone many changes; it is no longer a sin – neither it is a duty (Offit). A repetitive point in sociologies, particularly in gender and sex studies, is whether sexuality is a public or private issue. Public angle of sexuality and its implications could be observed from different social, economic, legitimate, cultural and political viewpoints. There are many angles that set restrictions and laws that define the ways of acceptable behaviors. These views usually vary from one country and culture to another. Sexuality was always ambiguous: there were private sex in the bedrooms in the boundaries of marriage and the same time there were prostitutions and